Client Story Brett
4 August, 2023
Support Coordination: Empowering Lives, Creating Connections
Embracing Every Moment: Brett’s Unforgettable State of Origin Experience
At Auscare Support, our mission revolves around enriching lives and creating cherished memories for our clients. Today, we’re thrilled to share a heartwarming client story that exemplifies the essence of this mission.
Meet Brett, a remarkable individual who has been a Support Coordination client for four years. Living with Fragile X, Brett’s journey has been one of growth and resilience.

A Journey with Fragile X: Brett’s story is a testament to the power of determination and the beauty of embracing life’s adventures, no matter the challenges. Living with Fragile X, a genetic condition that can bring its own set of obstacles, Brett has overcome many challenges with the assistance of his wonderful Support Coordinator , Lachelle and his Support workers.
A Home with Life Without Barriers: Brett’s home, a Supported Independent Living (SIL) arrangement provided by Life Without Barriers, has been an integral part of his support system. It’s within this nurturing environment that Brett has thrived, surrounded by caring individuals who understand his needs and aspirations. At Auscare Support, we deeply value collaborative partnerships that create a holistic support network for our clients.
An Unforgettable State of Origin Experience: Recently, Brett’s Support Coordinator Lachelle, facilitated an unforgettable experience for Brett – a trip to the State of Origin game! With the dedicated assistance of one of his support workers, Brett’s dream of attending the game became a reality. “Brett was in a happy mood frequently speaking to many footy fans”.
“We watched the game and he happily talked to everyone around us. He was going for Queensland so he was a little frustrated but I kept reminding him they already won the series so they were not to motivated.”- Brett’s Support Worker
“After the game Brett wanted to stay for the presentations that went until 10.30pm, then we caught the train back to Strathfield and I dropped Brett home at 12am. ” All in all it was a great night.

At Auscare Support, stories like these remind us of the immense power of compassionate support and genuine connections. We are committed to continuing to create meaningful experiences that enrich our client’s lives.
Join our Auscare Support Coordination today. Please call us on: 1800 940 515 or email at [email protected]