For Participants

Your guide to navigating the NDIS

Understanding your NDIS Plan

You know what you want. We get it. We understand that receiving your NDIS plan can be a little daunting. Our role is to work alongside you to plan your support and assist you to achieve your goals.

Your plan is built with you by a NDIS Planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC) with consideration as to your disability and your goals and aims at building capacity. Your Support Coordinator or Plan Maximiser at Auscare Support are experts in unpacking your NDIS Plan. We can connect you to providers of services, supports and therapies to learn a new skill, connect with your community or increase your support around some activities you may find challenging.

Your NDIS Plan consists of 3 main categories

Core Supports

Core Supports help you with everyday activities, your current disability-related needs and to work towards your goals.

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Capacity Building
Supports budget

Capacity Building Supports help build your independence and skills to help you pursue your goals.

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Capital Supports

Capital Supports include higher-cost pieces of assistive technology, equipment and home or vehicle modifications, and funding for one-off purchases you may need.

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NDIS Funding types

There are three types of Fund management you can choose from for managing your NDIS funding. You can also choose a combination of the three options. You may choose to self-manage one part of your plan to start with and have the rest managed by a plan management provider such as Auscare Support or by the NDIA. You can change your fund management type at any time during your NDIS plan period. No matter how your funds are managed, you still have choice and control to ensure your services are working for you and fit in your budget. 

Plan Managed

Plan management is when a provider supports you to manage funding in your NDIS plan. These providers are known as plan managers. The NDIS will include funding in your plan to pay for your plan manager. This is separate from your other services and supports in your budget.  You can change to Plan Management at any stage during your NDIS plan period. For more information on Plan Management visit the Plan Management page (insert link to page) on this website or speak to one of our friendly Auscare Support Plan Managers today.

NDIA Managed – sometimes referred to as Agency Managed

NDIA managed is when the NDIA manage your funds and pay your providers electronically from your funding and manage your book-keeping and record your spending. When you are NDIA managed you can only use NDIA registered providers for your supports and services. 


Self-management is when you manage your NDIS funding. It gives you the flexibility and choice to decide what supports you buy to pursue your plan goals. It lets you think creatively about how you can use your funds to best meet your needs. You can choose to self-manage all or part of your NDIS plan. If you would like to self-manage your plan but feel you might require some assistance, Auscare Support Plan Maximiser (insert link to plan Maximiser page) can help build your capacity to confidently self-manage your NDIS fund. 


Change of Circumstances/situation

Life happens! At times there may be a change in your situation that may mean a change in what you need from your NDIS Plan. Events such as starting employment, moving out of home or a change in your support needs may all mean your NDIS Plan needs a reassessment. Your Support Coordinator or Plan maximiser can assist you with completing and lodging a change of situation form to the NDIS

Support for employment

School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) is funding to support people transitioning from school to the workplace or directly after leaving school. SLES help young people prepare, look for and gain employment. You can ask for SLES funding in your NDIS plan if one of your goals is to seek employment.

Supports in Employment is another way your NDIS plan can support you in the workplace. Built into your core support budget, supports in employment can provide frequent and ongoing on-the-job supports in a workplace of your choosing.

Disability Employment Services (DES) are not funded by the NDIS but are available to people with a disability and assist in finding, preparing for and keeping a job. DES services are available for people with a disability, injury or health condition who may need occasional assistance in the workplace. You can find out more about DES here