Support Coordinator


Support Coordinator

Location: Inner City of Sydney NSW

Started with Auscare Support:
July 2020


What I do:

I connect participants to services within the community, including crisis support. I also make sure that I connect with my clients weekly to see how they are going and assist them to fulfil their goals using their allocated funding in the best ways possible.


Unique skills:

I bring personal experience of the disability sector to my role at Auscare Support and have the ability to advocate for myself and others with patience and determination.


Previous experience:

I worked at Family Advocacy and volunteered to help friends connect with services in the community (pre NDIS).


Other interesting roles:
I have also worked in the hospital system in mental health.


What’s Auscare Support like?
I love helping people and love that Auscare support can enable me to do this.


Life outside:

I like diamond painting, handcycling, walking my dog Elvis, going out for coffee with my partner and with friends.


To sum me up:

It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it! It’s not what you see, it’s how you look at it! It’s not how your life is, it’s how you live it.” —Unknown

Auscare Support Logo

Monday to Friday

Outcome Focused

Nationally Accredited

Australian Owned

Certified B Corporation


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