South Eastern Sydney, NSW


Face to Face Online/Remotely

Started with Auscare Support:

March 2024

What I do:

As a Support Coordinator, I work with Participants to navigate the NDIS, empower them to build capacity by engaging service providers and assist them to achieve their goals.

Unique skills:

I am patient, empathetic and have an eye for detail. I strive to connect with each Participant by listening to what they want to achieve and empower them to make informed decisions. I am a critical thinker and creatively solve problems to addressing barriers to accessing services.

Previous experience:

After completing a Bachelor of Policing and Bachelor of Social Science (Honours), I worked for the NSW Police Force for ten years in a range of roles including intelligence coordination for Counter Terrorism and project lead for Hate Crime. More recently I’ve worked as an Operations Manager in the allied health services sector, advocating for quality supports and ensuring compliance with the NDIS. My unique work experience has allowed me to gain a robust understanding of how people living with disabilities are impacted by the criminal justice system, care agencies, the local community and their families.

Other interesting roles:

I have a passion for being involved in the community and have been volunteering with the Rural Fire Service in NSW, which has led me to form connections with a range of people coming together to give back to the community and built my resilience in dealing with challenging situations.

What’s Auscare Support like?

Auscare’s passion for empowering and innovating support for individuals shines through in every employee and their genuine care for their work. The ability to have independence and flexibility is also great for work/life balance.

Life outside: 

My family are very much outdoor people! Any spare time I have with my husband, two children and our long-haired chihuahua is spent in nature. Fishing, snorkeling, four-wheel driving, and hiking are our favourite activities.

To sum me up:

I am a compassionate, adaptable, and curious soul, with a thirst for knowledge and have a knack for finding solutions in every situation.

Adelaide, SA
Barossa, Light and Lower North, SA


Face to Face Online/Remotely

Started with Auscare Support:

February 2024

What I do:

As a Support Coordinator, I assist participants with various disabilities, creating personalised plans, connecting them to relevant services, and providing tools for independent living. My aim is to empower and support every participant in leading a fulfilling life and feel confident navigating the NDIS.

Unique skills:

  1. Lived experience with disability
  2. Knowledge of intersectionality
  3. Intersectional thinking
  4. Inclusive practice
  5. Advocacy and human rights lens
  6. Understanding of power dynamics
  7. Cultural humility
  8. Compassion and empowerment for others
  9. Adaptibility and flexibility
  10. Reflective practice

Previous experience:

In my previous roles as a Local Area Coordinator (LAC) and community development worker, I gained extensive experience working with individuals with disabilities and their families. I have worked closely with service providers, government agencies, and community organizations to coordinate and deliver support services to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities. Having worked as disability advocate, I have also advocated for the rights and needs of individuals with disabilities and their families, and have worked to promote inclusivity and equity in the community.

Through these experiences, I have developed a strong understanding of the challenges and barriers faced by individuals with disabilities and their families, and have gained valuable skills in communication, interpersonal skills, project management, leadership, research, and analysis. I have also developed a strong commitment to social justice and human rights, and a passion for promoting inclusivity and equity for all individuals.

These experiences have helped me build the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in this role, and have prepared me to work effectively with individuals with disabilities, their families, and service providers to promote independence, inclusion, and quality of life.

Other interesting roles:

As an authorised marriage celebrant, I have developed strong communication and interpersonal skills, particularly in working with diverse groups of people. I have also gained experience in event planning and coordination, which has helped me develop project management and leadership skills.

My experience as a former hobby weightlifter has taught me the importance of discipline, perseverance, and goal-setting, which are valuable skills in any career.

Having formerly lived in the USA has given me a broader perspective on different cultures and ways of thinking, which has helped me develop cultural competence and adaptability.

Having been a part of a local women’s football team in the past, I have gained experience in teamwork, leadership, and collaboration. I have also developed a strong sense of community and a passion for promoting inclusivity and equity for all individuals.

My experience in social media and marketing for my former local footy club and the Northern Territory peak body for people with disability has helped me develop sound marketing and communication skills, as well as experience in building and maintaining relationships with stakeholders.

As a self-taught graphic designer, I have developed creative skills and experience in designing logos, graphics, and websites for friends and services.

Lastly, being a mother to my boys has taught me the importance of time management, multitasking, and prioritising tasks. I wish I could clone myself or have more energy and more time to do more of what my brain wishes to do, but I am grateful for the skills and experiences that I have gained through my various roles and hobbies.
This diverse range of life experience has helped to form the person I am today and have contributed to my belief in possibilities.

What’s Auscare Support like?

Some of my favourite things, to date, about Auscare Support is that it is a space where everyone is inclusive, has a ‘can do’ attitude, knows how to balance professionalism with approachability and that they take a nurture approach to boosting others and providing opportunity for people to grow.

Life outside: 

Outside of work, I love to spend time with family and friends, and to carve time out for myself too. I am studying another degree, and love to be involved with my local community in my spare time, going on walks with women’s group, being a part of parent peergroup and finding ways to make sure life is a mixture of what excites my brain, lights up my heart and recharges my body.

To sum me up:

Quirky, outgoing, private, compassionate, hopeful. I am AuDHD and my birthday is in May, I feel that Gemini is the best representation of my personality which is a yin-yang.

Western NSW


Started with Auscare Support:

January 2024

What I do:

I work beside my clients to listen and hear what they need to live meaningful lives. My role is to link people with the supports and services that assist them to meet their NDIS goals. My role is to explain and present options and assist the client to make the decision that they feel is right for them.

Unique skills:

I have lived experience as a parent of children with special needs. I have worked with a vast diversity and range of ages and disabilities. I listen and seek direction of what the client wants their supports and services to “look like”.

Previous experience:

I have worked as a nurse for many years. I have worked in rehabilitation, I have been a support worker. I have over 25 years experience in disability. I went back to University at 40 to follow my passion to expand into mental health services and supports. I am an accredited mental health first aider.

Other interesting roles:

Each role that I have had, has packed my ability to think on my feet and be flexible. No two days are the same and there is no one size fits all way of working, we are all unique and individual

What’s Auscare Support like?

I love the structure and support. This organisation is well set up to support good practice.

Life outside: 

Riding my motorbike clears my head. I enjoy spending time with friends and family.

To sum me up:

I am passionate about life and working out what people need to make life better.

Hobart, TAS


Face to Face Online/Remotely

Started with Auscare Support:

May 2023


What I do:

Ensure participants are well cared for, have adequate funding to assist them with their activities of daily living and most importantly, that participants have joy and meaning in their lives.

As your Support Coordinator I’ll work with you and/or your support network to link with support providers to assist you to meet your goals.


Unique skills:

listening to you about what you need and want,

learning from others who know you well (when appropriate),

thinking creatively and innovatively,

being knowledgeable about the NDIS,

having strong networks in community,

being person-centred and solutions focused.

Work with you to get the most out of your funding so you get the most out of your life.


Previous experience:  

My experience with the NDIS is on a personal level, I have a son who accesses the NDIS, I’m his advocate.

My knowledge and experience stems from learning first hand about the NDIS and supporting my son to access supports.


Other interesting roles:

I’m a Nurse, I’ve worked in both the acute and community sector for the past 12 years, I believe that with my nursing experience I can better understand your disability related needs.


Life outside:

Watching my 2 children’s sporting activities.

I enjoy camping/fishing with my family, we’re lucky enough to have a little shack at one of the most beautiful places in Tasmania.

I love to cook and experiment with new recipes.


To sum me up:
I would describe myself as innovative, creative, adaptable to change, a fast learner and someone who is prepared to go above and beyond what is required to achieve the best possible results.

Brisbane, QLD
Ipswich, QLD
Northern NSW


Face to Face Online/Remotely

Started with Auscare Support:

May 2023


What I do:
As a Support Coordinator I will work with you and your support network to work towards helping to achieve your goals, live more independently, be included in your community and identify your personal support needs.


Unique skills:
Skills that relate to my day-to-day job are not limited to include: Trauma informed practice, critical thinking, patient, creativity, creative problem solving, I have lived experience with trauma and disability which I believe gives me a deeper understanding of the challenges that face children and young people with disabilities in the out of home care sector and taking a holistic approach to each individual.


Previous experience:  

House parent in OOHC

Foster Carer

Disability and Aged Care Support worker

SIL Team Leader

Day Service, Outreach and Group Activities Service Coordinator

Other interesting roles:

Telephone IT Support dealing with people over the phone trying to problem solve technical issues to people that may not have any knowledge in this area.

Security Guard in various venues dealing with some culture diversity and language barriers.

Community Banking creating and assisting in a variety of community activities and functions.

Meal on Wheels being repour within the community and community providers


What’s Auscare Support like?:

Auscare Support are very welcoming and supportive. I am looking forward to getting to know the team and building rapport and relationships.


Life outside:

My dog, being creative- woodwork, Cricut machine, visual and creative arts, plants, seeing my best friend, camping and spending time in nature.


To sum me up:
I am a driven, hard-working and am passionate about community, equality and working with disadvantaged children.

Illawarra Shoalhaven, NSW


Face to Face Online/Remotely

What I do:

I support NDIS participants to understand and use their plan to achieve their goals. I take a person-centred approach to support participants to understand their plan, have choice and control, and use their NDIS plan effectively. I help connect participants to providers, mainstream and community supports and provide support for plan reviews.

Unique skills:

I have a Bachelor of Education and Master of Public Health (health promotion and research). I also have life experience as a sibling, aunty and parent of an adult daughter with a disability. My experience with the education, health and disability sectors combined with life experience strengthens my skills as a support coordinator.

Previous experience:

I have previous experience working as a local area coordinator (LAC). I have also worked with children, their families and carers in a variety of roles in the education and early childhood sector. My previous experience has allowed me to understand the uniqueness and
complexity of individuals and their supports and how best to support them. I use an individualised, strengths-based approach combined with strong interpersonal skills to help support clients achieve their goals.

Other interesting roles:

I have operated my own small business, worked as an English as a second language teacher, volunteered as a Primary Ethics teacher and even worked as a dental assistant.

What’s Auscare Support like?:

Auscare Support is professional, responsive and provides a unique individualised and person-centred service. Auscare Support understands the needs of their clients and provides professional support and training so that the best outcomes are achieved for everyone.

Life outside:

I enjoy music, art, travel, coffee, studying, spending time with my family and going for walks with my dog.

To sum me up:

I am curious, dedicated, ethically driven, a life-long learner and appreciate the small things in

Sydney, NSW


Face to Face Online/Remotely

Started with Auscare Support:

February 2021


What I do:

I assist participants with maximising the usage of their NDIS plans and funding to achieve their goals and support them in building capacity and skills.


Unique skills:

Positive influence and thinking outside the box. I bring creativity and imagination to overcoming challenges my clients face.


Previous experience:

I have done support work, worked with CALD communities, have been in disability service provider management as well as a psychology therapy assistant.


Other interesting roles:

I have a unique and varied past, which includes: photographer, chef, aircraft interior designer, florist, motor trimmer and executive assistant.


What’s Auscare Support like?

It’s a flexible, autonomous and supportive organisation.


Life outside:

I enjoy photography, swimming, hiking, cooking and art.


To sum me up:

I can adapt to any situation and thrive in a fluctuating environment. I transform unexpected obstacles into stepping stones for achievements.

Southern NSW


Face to Face Online/Remotely

Started with Auscare Support:

September 2020


What I do:

I establish links between participants and service providers, resolve complex issues, engage in higher level inter-agency liaison for complex cases as well as project research.


Unique skills:

I have the ability to conceptualise a variety of solutions to achieve the best outcome for my clients. I have an in depth knowledge of local service providers and an extensive network within the Shoalhaven disability and community welfare sectors. This ensures that my clients connect with the service providers best suited to meet their needs.


Previous experience:

I’ve been an out-of-home care caseworker; a disability group home manager; a disability caseworker; strategic policy developer and business owner. Did I mention multitasking mum?


Other interesting roles:

I am a lead trail rider at a recreational horse riding ranch!


What’s Auscare Support like?

I receive amazing support from my Plan Managers and Support Coordination coach. Can’t praise them enough. They are smart, responsive and knowledgeable.


Life outside:

I like to go to the gym and research health and nutrition.


To sum me up:

I will always put a different spin on a situation and offer a perspective that you had not previously been aware of.


Hunter New England, NSW


Face to Face Online/Remotely

Started with Auscare Support:

September 2022


What I do:

As a Support Coordinator for Auscare I am an advocate of self-management and direction with a passion for empowering people with disability to take control. I help participants understand and implement their plans, help them build capacity to live a good life.


Unique skills:

My skills in leadership and mentoring, my personal passion for helping people and making them feel safe and cared for were certainly easily transferred over into the disability sector and the role of a Support Coordinator.


Previous experience:

I have two decades of experience in front-line emergency health and front-line health management as a Paramedic. My last 10 years of service have been in senior leadership roles, where I have supervised and mentored teams of up to 100 members


Other interesting roles:

I have been a valued consumer council member and strong advocate for stroke with the National Stroke Foundation after suffering a stroke myself at a young age. I have spoken and presented my own case study at many stroke conferences held all over Australia


What’s Auscare Support like:

Auscare gives me the flexibility to ensure that I have a great balance of work and life.  My schedules are more flexible and this enables me to give 110% into my role as support coordinator.


Life outside:

I enjoy the gym, spending quality time with my family and friends and getting out in the sunshine for my vitamin D!.


To sum me up:

I bring a grounded approach to all I do and are dedicated to fostering good health and well-being on all levels.